
Photo are important, well you would expect a photographer to say that, but photos mean different things to different people, so what important to me might not be to you.

I take 1000's of photos, but the slide show on my desk top is of a group of around 200 pictures, that's less than 0.001% of the total pictures on my computer. These photos are a mixed bag of shots taken in the Lake District, all from the top of the hills, fells and mountains listed in the books by Alfred Wainwright.

We started to collect or bag these tops quite a few years ago, having no real hill walking experience, and finished up being very skilled hill walkers in all conditions.

The top left was my first big top, Fleetwith Pike, below that shot is Scarfell Pike, done in winter with loads of snow and ice, not a day for tourists.

The reason they are on my desk top is not that they are the best of my work, infact alot are not even my photos, 3 of these arnt, its because they take me to a place that I was happy in and always with people that are important to me.


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