Palestine 0 Israel 58
This blog is all about reflecting on the past 10 years since my first blog, and the last few posts have looked at the changes that have happened locally. Well one of the biggest changes is this place a great local sucsess story.
But why the title, well just under 10 years ago I wrote this blog post.
Palestine 1 Israel 271
In the season of peace and goodwill to all men, the guardian of some of the worlds most holy sites, Israel, has celebrated it by launching over 100 air strikes against the Gaza strip.This is the same Gaza strip that they have been blockading for months, cutting off vital services and disrupting the flow of much need medical and humanitarian supplies, much needed now that they have nearly 1000 casualties to cope with after the air strikes. All these attacks are in response to rocket attack fired at them, around 70, which have lead to the death of 1 Israeli. Israel claim these rocket attacks are wrong, which is correct, and that they have been going on for a number of years, which is also correct.
But Israel has been occupying the Palestinian territories for 40 years and is in direct defiance of UN resolutions, they are suppose to be a civilised nation stale not some central African dictatorship throwing its weight about. Israel is a democracy and as such all its citizens are responsible for its actions, there is an election in a few months, lets see if they can be as brave as the USA and vote for change.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Somethings don't seem to change and only days after winning a competition design to promote peace and friendship, Israel is at it again. I don't doubt that some of the dead were up to no good, but one at least was a baby and others children. If this had been North Korean or Iran the world would be up in arms and calling for sanctions, 10 years on and still no change where it is needed the most.
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